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Image by Oleksandr Kurchev


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History? Food? What's not to love. 

A Public History MA final project. A website that brings together food and history! Learn about the origins of chocolate, sugar and spices, their introduction into England and how their use changed British society! Plus, some fun recipes from the eighteenth century for you to try. Why not follow our video tutorials and cook along with us! 

It is time to TASTE history!



How do you define the eighteenth century? 

What did life look like then? 

What did people eat and how did they act?



Did people drink chocolate? 

Was chocolate was used in human sacrifice?

Were Chocolate Houses a widespread phenomenon ? 



Where did sugar come from? 

How did it come to Britain?

Why did people like it? 

How has its use changed our society? 


When were spices first recorded in human history? 

Why did people use them? 

Why were spices essential to  British culinary life? 



Hot Chocolate

Quote of the Day

‘It [chocolate] seemed more a drink for pigs, than a drink for humanity.' 


                                                         - Girolanco Benzoni, History of the New World (1575) 

Follow me on Instagram @curiousconfectionaries
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  Not all material on this site is owned by Curious Confectionaries, but credibility has been given where possible. Please feel free to contact for the removal of images. 

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